Failed to parse percentage significance heuristic expected an empty object – How to solve this Elasticsearch exception

Opster Team

August-23, Version: 7-7.15

Briefly, this error occurs when Elasticsearch is unable to parse the significance heuristic for a field named “percentage”. This usually happens when the expected object is not empty, meaning there’s some data or formatting issue. To resolve this, ensure that the object is indeed empty or check the data format. Also, verify the Elasticsearch mapping for the “percentage” field. If the error persists, consider reindexing your data or using a different significance heuristic.

This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” failed to parse [percentage] significance heuristic. expected an empty object; ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: aggregations, search.

Log Context

Log “failed to parse [percentage] significance heuristic. expected an empty object;” class name is We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :

 public static SignificanceHeuristic parse(XContentParser parser)
 throws IOException; QueryShardException {
 // move to the closing bracket
 if (parser.nextToken().equals(XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) == false) {
 throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse [percentage] significance heuristic. expected an empty object; " +
 "but got [{}] instead"; parser.currentToken());
 return new PercentageScore();


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