High availability

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Dedicated Client Nodes

Many clusters use coordinating or ingest nodes, while others leave the ingest and coordination functions to the data nodes. In order to...

Dedicated Master Node

Once an Elasticsearch cluster reaches a certain size, it's recommended to create 3 dedicated master nodes. Here is how you can create...

Elasticsearch Coordinating Node - When to Use Coordinating Only Nodes

A coordinating node is a node that handles HTTP(S) requests for the cluster, especially indexing & search requests. A coordinating only...

Elasticsearch Disaster Recovery: Strategies and Best Practices

This guide delves into the strategies and best practices for Elasticsearch disaster recovery. To recover from a disaster...

Elasticsearch Index Number_of_Replicas

Learn how to configure the `number of replicas` setting, its implications on performance, and best practices for optimizing your cluster.

Elasticsearch Indexing Downtime (Customer Post Mortem)

When looking at Shard View for the index, it was clear that the index in question wasn’t carrying out the highest indexing rate and wasn’t...

Elasticsearch Indices Without Replicas

Elasticsearch indices may not have replica shards, this can occur due to various reasons. To resolve this issue you need too...

Ensuring High Availability in Elasticsearch: Strategies and Best Practices

This article delves into the strategies and best practices to ensure high availability in Elasticsearch. The first strategy is to...

Lack of Quorum

This error occurs when the Elasticsearch cluster doesn't have a quorum of nodes with voting rights to elect a new master node. To resolve...

Mastering Elasticsearch Remote Clusters

Elasticsearch remote clusters offer a powerful way to connect multiple clusters and perform cross-cluster operations. To configure a remote...

Node Concurrent Recoveries Setting is Too High / Low

The node concurrent recoveries setting determines the max number of shards that can be recovered at once from each node. It's important to...

Number of Master Nodes

Master nodes are responsible for actions such as creating or deleting indices. If you don't have enough master nodes, it could lead to...

Setting Up Zone Awareness for Shard Allocation in Elasticsearch

Setting up zone awareness for shard allocation ensures high availability in the case of several servers going down. Here's how to...


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